Care for eye ear teeth nose and mouth, Ireland

Aerflow (IE) Does snoring keep you awake?

Antisnoring Aerflow is a clamp – on device with a soft bridge.

  • How Aerflow works?
    + Clip causes local pressure in the nose.
    + Activate the natural reflex of stretch of the soft palate and uvula during your sleep.
  • The harmful effects of snoring are immeasurable to your health:
    + Cardiovascular disease.
    + Dysfunction of the respiratory tract.
    + Frustration, poor health.
  • What will you choose?
    + Healthy sleep.
    + Breathe freely.
    + Feels good.

Price:  59 EUR

1. Clinical studies prove the effectiveness of the clip Aerflow

  • Aerflow clip is an advanced development in medicine aimed at solving such a popular problem as snoring. It will take you only a few weeks of use to get rid of snoring, symptoms of chronic rhinitis will become less severe.
    The use of the clip also reduces the risk of sleep apnea, you no longer grind your teeth, your overall well-being improves due to a healthy sleep and proper breathing.

          Charles Mercer M.D., Otolaryngologist from the ‘Healthy Family’

2. Real people – Real results!

  • Mike, 34 years
    My snorring drove all my close ones crazy. My wife even had to withdraw to another room to have a good night’s sleep. But what could I do! As soon as I learnt about the clip, I decided to order. Snorring did start to disappear, I began to breathe better and now I have a good night’s rest.
  • Patrick, 65 years
    Because of bad breathing at nights I had problems with health, I started to suffocate. It’s a good thing my grandchildren started to worry and ordered Antisnoring clip. Finally I feel I’m a healthy man!
  • Jessica, 47 years
    I fight with my husband my whole life, it’s just impossible to sleep at nights, he snores very badly. He also suffers from blocked nose. It’s all because he broke it a long ago time. I ordered Antisnoring clip, forced him to him wear it – he’s a sceptic, didn’t believe all this. But he believed when he stopped snorring a week later!

3. Be one of those snorers!

  • Hi guys!
  • Do you want to admit that you snore?
    Obviously an old man can have such a problem, but not me, a young man ready to take on the world. At first I didn’t believe it, I thought it was a joke or something, but when I heard what they recorded on my cell phone, I was stunned. Can’t be in the same room as me let alone sleep next to me!
  • Girls don’t respond well to my snorring and I even think I’m starting to have relationship problems because of it. I was dating someone who told me she was going to sleep in another room for that reason, and then she stopped answering my calls.
    At 30, I’m still single because no one can stand me for more than a week. Very few people told me it was my snorring, but I figured it all out for myself after the first night – the girls ran away after enduring my nightly hangovers.
  • I also went out with other girls who immediately started eating nuts that snoring is dangerous and I urgently had to do something about it. Yes, it’s dangerous, I know. When I first heard of the consequences snoring could have, I panicked. It is so awful! And, if you don’t know, now I will tell you briefly: problems with the respiratory system and respiratory arrest, hypertension, brain cell death, diabetes… Well, no What a good thing – you might even die while you sleep. Sometimes at night, I often dread thinking about it before going to bed.
  • I went to several clinics and did nothing but empty my pocket… Tests, then medical tests, then tests again… But no one gave me a definite answer. It seemed to me that these people didn’t know how to treat my snorring. I wasted 3 months and 3 salary and in the end I didn’t get any answer. I immediately ruled out surgery because it would be very expensive, in addition to being dangerous, and the outcome was not guaranteed.
  • Anyway, I kept snoring and embarrassed in front of the girls out of desperation until one day, me and my colleague went on a business trip. It just so happens that we have a room for two. I immediately warned the guy that he snores like a beast and even tried to ask us for single rooms but that didn’t work. He reacted calmly, saying he had the same problem and not to worry.
  • That night, my colleague slept very soundly without snoring, I thought he would make more noise than me! In the morning, I asked him how he solved his snoring problem and he showed me a clip to wear before going to bed. It’s a little bit of silicone for the nose. I would never have believed he would actually help if I hadn’t slept in the same room as him at night. I asked him where he bought it and I ordered it the same day.
  • When I got home, the clip was already waiting at the Post Office so all I had to do was go get it. I decided to try it that night and to find out if it really worked, I turned on the recorder. Guys, you won’t believe this, but the room was silent all night! I even realized that I slept more peacefully and serenely. In the morning, I wake up full of energy without even getting up from my pillow.
  • The clip itself didn’t bother me, and it didn’t fall out even once. Yes, it’s a bit noticeable, but not a big deal – my snoring is much worse. In addition, Aerflow has a built-in filter that cleans the air of dirt, so if you suffer from allergies, it is also ideal for normalizing sleep.
  • Now I am finally calm about my health. And, well, the girls stopped running away from me after the first night. 3 months ago, I met my current girlfriend and now we live together. He never told me that I snore and that kept him from sleeping. From now on, no one will think that I used to snore at night because now I sleep very well.
  • I forgot to give you the link to the site where I ordered it. This is the official website of the manufacturer. All in all, I’m happy with the service and delivery and most importantly this really works!

4. Comment

  • Alexander Mendoza
    Excellent! I also snore and I’m sick of my wife kicking me at night. I have to buy this, see if it leaves me alone in the end.
  • Nicholas Gutierrez
    I didn’t know that snorring could have such serious consequences… Turns out it’s something very dangerous.
  • Anthony Rodriguez
    I love this, I’ve been using it for a year now! I didn’t snore at all, even though it had been heard in another room before. It didn’t help, I even thought about having surgery, but my friends told me I wasn’t there anymore.
  • Sergio Vidal
    If you have surgery, that doesn’t mean you’ll be 100% snorring free. A friend of mine did that and it didn’t help him – he was still snoring like before, probably not louder. When I meet him, I will tell him to buy Aero-flow.
  • Robert Corcoles
    Thanks for the introduction, snoring practically affects everyone. I’m afraid to order online, can I buy this clip at a regular store?
  • Victor Blazquez
    There are several stores that sell similar clips that don’t work. In addition, they do not have filters, so it is better to order only on the official website . It’s not complicated at all – you just leave your personal data and that’s it.

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