Heart disease and hight blood pressure, Georgia

Neoritm (GE) Normalize high blood pressure

Neoritm – Long-term stabilization of blood pressure.

  • Neoritm direct impact on the cause of disease.
  • Neoritm stabilize blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  • Neoritm cleans blood vessels and reduces the risk of blood clots.
  • Strengthens blood vessels, keeps cholesterol at the required level.
  • It gives strength and energy, increases loads and promotes the destruction of diseases.
  • Safe for all ages Effective for people with high blood pressure levels 1, 2, 3.

Price:  79.9 GEL

1. Neoritm fights the 4 main signs of hypertension:

  • Nervous system exaggeration (stress, insomnia, etc.): As part of the Product formula, magnesium normalizes heart rate, calms your nervous system, and reduces anxiety.
  • Toxins in the Blood: Calcium cleans the blood vessels of impurities and cholesterol, thus making them stronger.
  • Varicosity and Thrombosis: Product improves venous circulation, protects blood vessels from clotting, prevents varicose veins.
  • Excess weight: As part of the Product formula, L-carnitine increases your stamina, gives you energy and helps you lose weight.

2. What makes high blood pressure so dangerous?

  • The consequences of high bloodpressure are more dangerous than the combination of cancer and tuberculosis. 89% of cases of hipertension end in infarction.
  • The result is blood clots in the blood vessels. High risk of brain hemorrhage and stroke.
  • Smoking, alcohol, an unbalanced diet, lack of exercise, stress and high cholesterol add to the danger.
  • Overweight people are three to four times more likely to have high bloodpressure than the general population.
  • IMPORTANT! High bloodpressure is severe, 1/5 of patients are at risk of death. Start treatment now and regain full health.

3. Seven suggestive symptoms:

  1. Edema: Dirty vessels don’t have time to pump liquid. The metabolism of water and salt is disturbed. At night, the feet swell until the socks sink into the ankles leaving dents. Puffy face and bags under the eyes. Fingers do not allow to remove the rings. A bloated stomach speaks of swelling of the internal organs.
  2. Tinnitus: From a thin, barely audible screech to a loud howl and hum that interferes with focus. It is a consequence of the increased tension of the cerebral vessels that exert pressure on the eardrums.
  3. Vertigo: A dizzy head, sudden attacks of vertigo indicate that your vestibular apparatus is starving. Often, the hearing also suffers.
  4. Insomnia: Do you feel sleepy and lethargic as you go to bed without being able to fall asleep? This is due to a lack of blood supply to the pituitary gland which stops producing melatonin, the sleep hormone.
  5. Complete reluctance: Absence of force and willingness. You do not want to do anything. You just want to lie down and eat. This feeling arises because the body goes into energy saving mode. The organs do not receive adequate nutrition in the dirty vessels and, in order not to die, your body seeks to reduce activity as much as possible.
  6. Visual abnormalities: Flies, waves, haze in the eyesight. These are symptoms of ocular vascular insufficiency
  7. Joint pain: Depending on the weather, the joints twist. When you wake up in the morning, you do not feel awake and rested, but a semi-paralyzed disabled person. You have to walk around for a while and knead the hardened joints after sleep. This is due to the fact that the synovial fluid loses its properties, and sticks the joints like a tight mass.

          Do you have at least one of these signs? The vessels require cleaning and nourishing them.

4. Expert opinion

  • The main fighter against hypertension is green tea and hawthorn (bioflavonoids). They are present in almost all antihypertensive drugs.
  • But, their concentration on most products is small!
    Thus, you may have to wait for many years to see its effect. I know for sure that the only cure with large amounts of green tea and hawthorn (bioflavonoids) is Neoritm. I have seen his formula and the conclusions of independent experts and respected citizens.
  • I recommend this supplement to my patients and reprimand them if they start self-medication and take something that “a friend advised”, “read about it online”, “listened to on TV”.
  • This is wrong! You need to fight hypertension only with safe methods! The ones that are trusted by doctors and that will make your disease go away forever.
    Robert J. – Ph.D. in Medicine


  • Dorina, 61 years old, Tirana: I realized that reduced AP leads to ischemic stroke – a stroke – I saw it happen to my older sister. Doctors saved her life but she did not fully recover. When I first encountered this disease for the first time, I was aware of some scams and knew I had to seek vegetative, herbal remedies. My doctor, a very smart woman gave me this product. I am very grateful to her. 4 years have passed and I no longer suffer from hipertension. I am completely healthy and I am not afraid of a heart attack or an attack. Take care of your health!
  • Linda, 47 years old, Durrës: A few years ago, I received a treatment in the sanatorium of Tirana. Research on a new drug for hypertension was held there. Of course, I was scared. But what else could I do? No other medicine helped me, so I decided to try this. Luckily, I happened to be in the group I took Neoritm, and not the harmless sedative. Two hours later, my bloodpressure returned to normal. Gradually, I started to feel much better! I am very pleased to have participated in the drug test at that time. My AP is always fine now.
  • Anton, 51 years old, Vlora: I am 51 years old. 3 years ago I was diagnosed with hypertension in our clinic. The signs were murmurs in the heart, & c. I suffered but did nothing about it. 6 months ago, judging by the signs, I went through a small stroke. Then naturally I panicked, but I refused to take the pills they recommended me. Chemicals are harmful and I know this from general knowledge. But I did not know what to do. Luckily, I came across an old friend who introduced me to this product. Now, as you can guess, nothing bothers me. My bloodpressure is normal and I’m as healthy as a horse!

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