
Bluestone (BG) Only for truly strong men

Bluestone – Anti-prostatitis and erectile dysfunction.

  • Well restored urinary system.
  • Bluestone reduces inflammation and prostate pain.
  • Bluestone increases libido, improves spermatogenesis.
  • Enhances vivid sensations during orgasm, prolongs sexual intercourse.
  • A plant complex with natural sources of L-arginine, lycopene and quercetin, the most powerful ingredients to restore male health.
  • No side effects. Bluestone is suitable for everyone. Effective at any age.

Price:  79 BGN

1. Description of Bluestone:

  • Bluestone is a unique complex for potency and prostatitic.
  • It consists of natural ingredients and helps to improve men’s health.
  • Drops active ingredients: L-arginine, Biotin (B7), Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) extract, Horny Goat weed (Epimedium grandiflorum) extract, Sabal palm (Sabal palmetto) extract, Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantium) extract

2. Prostatitis spares no one

  • Statistics of 2023: every second man after 40 has chronic prostatitic. About 50%
  • Real numbers: prostatitic has become younger. The prostate gland is inflamed in 85% of men after 35 years old. Often the disease is asymptomatic.
  • Problems with potency is the most common complication of chronic prostatitic. 97% of patients complain about erectile dysfunction and weak libido.

3. I killed an “untreatable” prostatitis

  • What does a man feel when a doctor diagnoses: “prostatitic”? My first reaction was shock. And just one question: “Why?”
  • Turns out I’m perfectly fine after this! Currently I do not have prostatitic. Even though the doctor said nothing would help me any further.

    * How did I manage to do it? Let me tell you.

  • I am 56 years old. I have been a truck driver for 25 years. Sedentary, 12-13 hours a day behind the wheel. So I have an occupational disease of all drivers – prostatitic.
  • At first it was very painful to go to the bathroom, sometimes I got up 3-4 times at night to go to the bathroom. I didn’t take any medication, and everything went away on its own within a month. Turns out I shouldn’t have gotten so excited so soon.
  • Since then, 3 years have passed. During this time, I took care of my wife and started living alone – we had no children. My hobby, photography, has saved me from loneliness. When I quit my job, my hobby turned into a way to make money – I worked at weddings, parties, corporate parties.
  • When my wife passed away, I grieve for her for a long time and finally accepted that there would be no more women in my life. But I still don’t want to “retire”. Somewhere in my heart there was a glimmer of hope that I would meet the one I love again.
  • And it happened. Six months ago, I was working at a party at a club and met Ann – the girl of my dreams. So young and beautiful that I forgot my age, decided: “She will be mine, no matter what!”
  • After the party, I asked Ann out. To my surprise, she agreed. We spent time in a cafe. We have a lot in common. Despite the 23 year age difference, we started dating. With Ann, I became younger and felt like a man!

    * But one thing ruined our paradise

  • On the 2nd week of our relationship, it went to bed. And I was completely broken! How so? After all, everything is always okay sexually. Ann even cried out of frustration.
  • We parted the next morning. She said that she did not want to commit herself to an impotent man. It was a low blow for me.
  • And a month later, a new problem appeared: I saw blood in my urine. I had to go to the doctor.
  • The diagnosis was disappointing: “chronic prostatitic”. My illness did not go into remission, and it became incurable for 3 years without treatment. The doctor said it would only get worse, and only a miracle could help me.

    * And a miracle happened!

  • My old friend Dan helped me. He worked as a doctor before retiring. I called Dan and told him everything. A week later, he came to see me with presents. Among the boxes and packages I found this set.
  • This Bluestone Men’s Complex is the latest scientific development against prostatitic. It contains drops and capsules, which can be taken together and separately. But it is better to combine them together – the effect will come faster.
  • Dan says there won’t be any signs of prostatitic for a few weeks. Different from the old products, it not only reduces prostatitic, relieves pain and clears urine, but also destroys the cause of the disease – pathogenic bacteria. At the same time, Bluestone is not an antibiotic. It does not affect the liver and is compatible with alcohol.
  • I listened to Dan and started taking Bluestone: morning and evening – drops, afternoon – pills. Gradually, the amount of blood in my urine became less and less. A week later, I slept well at night, and I didn’t get up to go to the bathroom until morning.
  • And a few weeks later – a pleasant surprise: one morning I woke up with an erection. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I turned on the porn, watched a few videos and realized that the masculinity had returned to me!
  • I mustered up the courage to call Ann and invite her to lunch at a coffee shop. She came, but she didn’t look eager to see me. I ordered her a glass of champagne, then another… and another. When Ann was quite drunk, we went to my place.
  • The next morning, she admitted that she had never had such hot sex with anyone. We forgot everything and stayed in bed for a week.

4. User comments:

  • Domenico, 51 years old
    I had a sexual breakdown for 8 years due to end-stage prostatitic. My wife left me, and according to the other women, I couldn’t. Bluestone pulled me out of the quagmire. Now that seems like a miracle. I almost did, every day, every day!
  • Luigi, 67 years old
    Guys, the choice is yours! 10-15 prostate massage sessions + antibiotics, without guarantee that they will be effective, or switch to Bluestone In one, three weeks (as much as a month, if you’re really bad!), And goodbye to prostatitic! I have seen the effect for a week: no pain, everything is great in bed!
  • Antonio, 53 years old
    I finally felt like a real man. Before using the product, going to the bathroom was also very painful. Sex, don’t even talk about it! However, now I can please every woman!

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