1. One cup of Magicoa per day:

  • Improves mood and performance
    Magicoa contains natural stabilizing adaptogens that help the entire body: they stimulate the immune system, normalize the endocrine system, eliminate anxiety, calm the central nervous system, prevent depression. nervous breakdowns and binge eating when you’re stressed.
  • Improve digestion and sleep
    Magicoa’s unique formula eliminates accumulated fat and toxins, normalizes automatic digestion, has a positive effect on sleep.
  • Helps firm skin and purify the body
    Antioxidants nourish the skin from within, minimizing the risk of stretch marks. In addition, they also help detoxify the body quickly and safely.

2. There is nothing superfluous in the composition

  • Ganoderma extract:
    Lowers blood sugar and, as a result, reduces cravings for sweets; accelerate the breakdown of fat; improve liver function; relieves insomnia; has an anti-aging effect; and firm the skin.
  • Cocoa powder:
    Speed up metabolism and help burn calories; increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin thanks to phenolic compounds that suppress appetite and reduce cravings. It stimulates the production of endorphins, the “happy hormone,” which improves mood and relieves stress, while reducing stress food intake.
  • Black Pepper Extract
    Activate enzyme secretion, accelerate and normalize metabolism, improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract
    Apsaicin contained in black pepper increases blood flow to the skin, reducing cellulite and puffiness.
  • Maltodextrin:
    Increase muscle mass; increased numbers of healthy germs; helps to remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the body; It helps to lower bad cholesterol and prevent future weight gain.
  • Chicory Inulin:
    It is a natural prebiotic that stimulates the growth of healthy bacteria, improves digestion, slows carbohydrate absorption, regulates thyroid function and improves mood.
  • Chromium Picolinate:
    Increases carbohydrate and fat metabolism, thus reducing fat accumulation
    Lowers blood sugar, improves intracellular metabolism, aids weight loss and improves fat burning.
    It stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which helps with weight loss and makes the skin look firmer, more elastic and tight. Skin tightening after diet.
  • Chili Extract:
    It has antioxidant properties, stimulates metabolism and strengthens the immune system.
    The active ingredients of the herb stimulate blood flow and metabolism, while promoting lipid breakdown. Red pepper prevents atherosclerosis and obesity.

3. After four weeks of taking Magicoa, your body should be able to:

  • One week: The nervous system returns to normal, you stop wanting to eat,
  • Two weeks: Eliminate toxins from the body, eliminate harmful substances in the body that cause weakness of internal organs and promote weight gain.
  • Three weeks: Carbohydrate metabolism increases. Don’t be afraid to eat too much. Your body will convert excess calories into energy, not stored fat.
  • Four weeks: Consolidate results. It’s time to update your wardrobe. You will need clothes a few sizes smaller.
  • Why Magicoa is better than other weight loss supplements?
    + Magicoa contains Reishi mushroom extract, a natural source of chitin, which not only gently suppresses hunger, but also blocks fat absorption, preventing fat from accumulating in the waist and hips. And the less fat stored in problem areas, the healthier, more attractive and more confident you will be!
    + No reason to worry! On the contrary, Magicoa will not harm your health. Magicoa natural antioxidant complex detoxifies the body, improves skin health, normalizes the digestive tract, stimulates metabolism and leads to healthy weight loss.

4. Cocoa – reishi: this drink will solve the problem of obesity forever

  • European scientists have made an amazing discovery. They discovered how to lose weight without diet and exercise. This discovery could help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, improve gut health and lower blood sugar levels.
  • Doctors are delighted! Cocoa with Ganoderma can save humanity from a medical disaster – metabolic syndrome is increasing. This is the problem of more than a quarter of the population.
  • Being overweight and the health problems it causes are often linked to a lack of physical activity and a poor diet, but this is not the case. In many cases, metabolic syndrome is the cause. It is more common in middle-aged women.
  • Cocoa beans and Ganoderma lucidum extract will help eliminate metabolic syndrome. Drinks containing these ingredients lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels, and help with weight loss.
  • According to Ricardo Bruno, a researcher and professor in the Department of Medicine, there are many factors that prove that cocoa powder and reishi mushrooms lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and help you lose weight.
  • Cocoa beans contain polyphenols – powerful natural antioxidants. Polyphenol compounds – catechins – affect fatty acid synthesis, reduce cholesterol absorption and prevent inflammation.
  • Ganoderma lucidum is rich in polysaccharides and triterpenes – substances that help promote metabolism. Science has proven that cocoa and Ganoderma mixed in the right ratio will produce short-chain fatty acids that help you feel full even in small amounts and burn fat faster.

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