1. Take 1-2 tablespoons of Diatea per day:

  • Increases insulin production in the pancreas.
  • Increases insulin action.
  • Decreased intestinal absorption of glucose.
  • Reduce blood fat, lower blood pressure.
  • Stabilize blood.

2. How can diabetes disease be fatal?

First, to mention the classic complications of diabete disease – diabetic coma, necrosis of limbs, gangrene, decreased vision, impotence, ketoacidosis, hypoglycemia. They often appear during the development of diabete, and are most often fatal. If we take a closer look, the complications are:

  • Ketoacidosis:

Effects: Loss of consciousness, sudden disturbances in the functioning of vital organs. Dead.

  • Hypoglycemia:

Effects: Loss of consciousness, short-term spikes in bloodsugar, no response to light, acute sweating and convulsions. Extreme is coma.

  • Hyperosmotic coma:

Effects: Urinating a lot (thirst a lot), polyuria (urinating a lot).

  • Lactic acid coma:

Effects: Loss of consciousness, respiratory tract damage, decreased blood pressure, lack of urination. Accompanied by cardiovascular failure.

3. In 2-3 years a few complications may appear:

  1. Retinopathy – an injury to the retina that can later lead to bleeding in the back of the eye and detachment of the retina. Over time can lead to complete loss of vision. Retinopathy is most common in people with type II diabete disease. The patient is completely blind.
  2. Arterial disease. The permeability of blood vessels is dramatically reduced, they become fragile. A tendency to thrombosis and atherosclerosis Internal bleeding or cerebral hemorrhage can occur at any time.
  3. Polyneuropathy. Loss of sensitivity to pain and heat in the extremities. It usually develops in the form of “gloves and socks”, which are visible on the lower and upper extremities at the same time. The first symptoms are shivering and tingling in the limbs, then intensifying at night. Losing control of limbs.
  4. Diabetic feet. A complication in which a diabetic’s lower extremities develop open sores, discharge, or necrosis (death). Leads to amputation or death.

4. Drink functional foods regularly:

  • Dietary supplements to regulate bloodsugar have been in the media lately, and for good reason.
  • With all-natural ingredients and clinically tested ingredients, Diatea has been proven to be effective in regulating bloodsugar levels.
  • The main benefits and beneficial effects of such a supplement include: improving metabolism, metabolizing carbohydrates and fats, and maintaining balanced bloodsugar levels.
  • An added benefit of a supplement is its effect on excess weight loss, as high bloodsugar can trigger the release of large amounts of insulin, which in turn prevents the body from burning fat.
  • And, best of all, supplements are easy to use! It comes in the form of tea, which you simply brew and drink without sugar several times a day. Because all ingredients are completely natural, you do not need a prescription for this supplement.

5. Eat real carbs:

  • Two main types of carbohydrates – simple and compound – affect blood sugar differently. Simple carbohydrates are mainly made up of a type of sugar. They are found in foods like white bread, pasta, and sweets. These carbohydrates are quickly converted into sugar by the body, causing bloodsugar levels to spike.
  • Compound carbohydrates, on the other hand, are made up of related sugars, usually three or more. Because the chemical composition of these carbohydrates (compounds) is more complex, it takes longer for the body to metabolize them.
  • As a result, sugar is released into the body gradually, and bloodsugar levels do not spike after eating. Examples of compound carbohydrates are whole grains and sweet potatoes.

6. What do buyers say about Diatea?

  • Sandra, 49 years old: “My husband and I are 49 years old and we have both been diagnosed with type 2 diabete disease, now it has been 5 years. We took a number of medications, but to no effect. Often we both went through severe periods of irritability, depression and disappointment. Luckily we discovered product and decided to give it a try. We drank tea as instructed. After a few days, my husband started to show more interest in sexuality (this may seem unimportant to some, but it has been more than half a year for us since we were last in bed like this). We also pay attention to our diet and still take some medications. And the result: after dinner, bloodsugar is never above 6! Our lives are really better now and definitely more passionate! ”
  • David, 55 years old: “I am very grateful for Diatea. I used to have to eat a lot of pills, but I often didn’t because the side effects are sometimes unbearable. However, when I started Diatea, first the fatigue disappeared, then the drowsiness, then the bloodsugar returned to normal and one day I even forgot to check! I feel stronger and everything is slowly normalizing. ”
  • Emilia, 63 years old: “I’ve had type 2 diabete disease for a number of years. Blood sugar was in the heights! I was very worried and also paid attention to my diet, went for check-ups, but nothing much changed. For example, I had 3.2 sugar and up to 11! My sister-in-law told me about this tea and advised me to drink it twice a day. And how quickly I felt the first changes: according to the measurements, the sugar was now from 5 to 8 during the day. And I can also say that I am happier now. “

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